The fussy eater

Feeding a pre schooler is a daunting task. Feeding a child can be a joyous experience, but at the same time it can also be incredibly frustrating when your little one becomes a fussy eater.

All parenting articles suggest that this phase is typically temporary and can be managed with patience and understanding. However, this is easier said that done!!!

Some of the tricks we use with Anaya are:

Eating with cousins/friends: Kids can be very competitive. Tapping into their inherent urge to win can help you to get them to eat stuff which they usually would not.

Hype up the food item pre meal: This works quite well with Anaya. Hyping up food items before she has had them seems to affect her taste buds in a positive way. This might have to do with the fact that children often imitate their parents’ behaviors. Demonstrating healthy eating habits by enjoying a diverse and nutritious diet ourselves, we often get Anaya to eat what we want her to eat.

Positive Reinforcement: Bribing children with a promise of an activity, gift or any other item which appeals to them if they finish their meal. However, needs to be used in caution as we do not want them to think that everytime they eat according to us, they get something.

Screen time: Although not the most preferred option, it is good to have this option. On the flip side once used to this, it is extremely hard to get them to eat without any screen time. P.S. having meals together as a family helps in case your child is addicted to screen time while eating.

Negative Reinforcement: When nothing else works, the threat of giving them a time out might. However, I only use this as the absolute last resort when nothing else seems to work.

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Entrepeneur, Sports Lover and Dotting Father

One thought on “The fussy eater”

  1. It is a very difficult task to know the choice of your growing child,as this chages every day because they follow what their elders do they follow new new things from their school friends.


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